Offer 365795

GOSS M 600 (630) from 2007

Heatset Commercial Presses

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 365795
Brand: GOSS
Model: M 600 (630)
Manufacturer GOSS
Condition: Good
Year: 2007
Incoterm: Load On Truck
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Machine number:
Description: Goss Conti web auto splicer with Web control, <>Paper lead assembly with angel bars, <>Chill rollers, <>PLC communication, <>Omnicon Control system, <>Gammerler RS114 trimming line,<>BALDWIN blanket wash-up device<>TECHNOTRANS

Technical details

Name property Description property
Cut-off 630 mm
Max. web width 965 mm
Min. web width 440 mm

PRICE: Upon request
