Offer 356987

GOSS UNIVERSAL 45 (578) from 2000

Coldset / Newspaper Presses

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 356987
Brand: GOSS
Model: Universal 45 (578)
Manufacturer GOSS
Condition: Good
Year: 2000
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Machine number:
Description: 3 x 4 tall color towers. <>Goss Universal Bender with 1/4 Fold Accessory. <>Detailed equipment detail: Goss automatic reel holder. <>2 Goss Color Control Desks, plus Main Desk with remote registration controls. <>Goss Baldwin digital inking. <>JIMEK Spray Dampening Water Mixing System with Chillers and Pumps + 2 Goss Double Stack Automatic Reel Changers + 1 Universal 45-4 Hi. <>With Baldwin/Jimek spray wetting. <>Goss ink boxes with remote control. <>Moisturizing spray Another Goss ink box with remote control Own drive moto+Goss automatic roll changers+1 Goss folder+1 Universal 45-4 Hi. <>Goss remote: Own drive moto controlled ink boxes+1 Goss automatic reel changer +1 water mixing system with coolers and pumps+ink driving system + Baldwin humidification system + Color registration + spare parts.

Technical details

Name property Description property
Cut-off 578 mm
Max. web width 914 mm
Cylinder circumference 578 mm
Mech. Speed Max. 35,000 P/hour

PRICE: Upon request