Offer 371331

KRIFFT & ZIPSNER E 190 RL-RO-MZ from 2008

Pile Turner

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 371331
Model: E 190 RL-RO-MZ
Manufacturer KRIFFT & ZIPSNER
Condition: Good
Year: 2008
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Availability: S O L D
Machine number:
Description: Pile turner E 190 RL/So/Mz<>for stepless turning from 0° to 180°, <>shaking and aerating stacks that have to be aligned precisely to the edges, <>changing pallets and pulling sample and waste sheets with sufficient inherent stability<>with ventilation and shaking system,<>--<>Joker speed regulation via potentiometer<>with variable air hand speed,<>infinitely adjustable via potentiometer<>with air volume regulation via FU<>I piece of blower 7.5 kW/1000 m3/h<>1 piece fan 4 kW/500 m3/h air plate 1,000 mm wide with 3 rows of air, one row electric/pneum. Lockable pneumatically lockable pallet passage and the stop bar<>automatic pressure monitoring of the ventilation<>with stop bars<>with plastic belt conveyor on the loading side<>with centering<>Tilt table<>Control is adopted and adjusted<>1 piece<>Total opening:<>1,900mm<>Total weight of the turner: max.<>6,500kg<>Stack height:<>min.<>650mm<>Max.<>1,850mm<>Pallet dispenser for format 6 <>non-stop pallets<>-Lifting device for pallets<>- automatic Feeding into pile turner

Technical details

Name property Description property
Max. size 1020x1420 mm
Min. size 500x700 mm
Max. load capacity 2.000 kg
transport by truck 1 Truck
transport by sea 1x 40 ft HC

PRICE: Upon request
