Offer 351292

PROPHETEER 1000 from 1997

Uv Flexo

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 351292
Model: 1000
Manufacturer PROPHETEER
Condition: Good
Year: 1997
Incoterm: Free Carrier
Cylinders Condition: damage_free
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Availability: Immediately
Machine number: 965XX
Description: Cylinderss size: 6 a Z63, 5 a Z65; 4 a Z66; 6 a Z 70; 6 a Z75; 6 a Z78; 5 a Z79; 2 a Z88; 6 a Z91; 5 a Z99; 1 a Z104; 5 a Z117<>5 flexo colors with hot air drying<>4 die cutting units<>Electronic register on 4 printing stations and 1 die-cutting station<>1 inspection camera

Technical details

Name property Description property
Max. Web width: 260mm
No. of colors 5 flexo colors with hot air drying

PRICE: Upon request