Offer 376623

ROLAND R 705 3B P from 2007

5 Color

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 376623
Model: R 705 3B P
Manufacturer ROLAND
Condition: Good
Year: 2007
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Availability: Upon agreement
Counter: 144 Mio
Machine number:
Description: 16.000 iph speed<>InlineCoater smart in last PU (can be placed to the socket of automatic wash-up device), plus IR-dryer at delivery<>De-clutchable inking and dampening units<>ColorPilot automatic densitometer<>Kersten antistatic devices for feeder and delivery.<>Automatic cylinder washing devices in the printing units (with brushes).<>Bacher 2000 register system.<>Fully automatic plate changing (APL).<>Combined dampening solution cooling and inking unit temperature control system<>Techotrans beta.c.<>InlineCoater smart coating unit in the last inking unit (includes dryer at delivery).<>Deactivatable inking and dampening units.<>automatic blanket and impression cylinder washing unit<>automatic Ink-Roller Washing device<>BACHER 2000 register system<>RCI-2 Ink Control Remote<>IR Infra red dryer<>ROLAND DELTAMATIC dampening system

Technical details

Name property Description property
Max. paper size 740x1040 mm
Smallest size 340x480 mm
Image area 700x1020 mm
Speed 11.000 sh/h
Length 10753 mm
Width 3450 mm
Height 2140 mm
Weight approx. 42.120 kg
Colors 5
HS Code 84431300

PRICE: Upon request