Offer 355186

SOLNA 472 STREAMLINE from 1990

4 Color

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 355186
Brand: SOLNA
Model: 472 Streamline
Manufacturer SOLNA
Condition: Good
Year: 1990
Incoterm: Free Carrier
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Availability: Immediately
Counter: 57 mio.
Machine number:
Description: Solna Sreamline 472 <>720x520 mm (B2 format)<>57 million impression<>Double transferter cylinder<>Alcohol dampening<>Weko powder sparying<>Baldwin alkohol refrigerator<>Solna ink and register consol<>Refurbished units:<>PU1 and PU2 all ink slide new gear whell<>Replacement of all dampening tubes<>All gripper cleaning and setting<>All trensferter cylinder jacket changed<>All oil tubes and bronze bushing cleaning and check<>All alcohol dampening freewheel replacement<>All rollers cleaning and check<>Adjustment of all plates and balnket cylinders<>Compressor oil change and maintenance<>Checking and adjusting many other small units

Technical details

Name property Description property
Max. paper size 520x720 mm
Colors 4
HS Code 84431300

PRICE: Upon request